Call of Duty 5: Arena File

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The Arena files tells the Game what Gametypes will be availaible for a given map and also provide the Longname for maps.

Let's look at the stock Arena bundled with the tools, the file CoDWaWmaps.arena is located here:

C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\raw\mp

Inside (extract):

	map		"mp_airfield"
	longname	"MPUI_AIRFIELD"
	gametype	"dm tdm sd sab dom koth twar war sur ctf"

	map		"mp_asylum"
	longname	"MPUI_ASYLUM"
	loadname	"MPUI_ASYLUM_CAPS"
	gametype	"dm tdm sd sab dom koth twar war sur ctf"

You can see that for each MP map you have the following:

  • map: Raw filename for the level
  • longname: This is the Map name which will show when pressing Escape in-game
  • loadname: This is the Map name which will show on the Map Loadscreen
  • gametype: This is the list of gametypes included in the Level

Note that the longname & loadname parameters are using Localized Strings in the above, you can simply put the name of the map without worrying about that.

Example for a custom Level MP called mp_example:

	map		"mp_example"
	longname	"My Map Example"
	loadname	"MAP EXAMPLE"
	gametype	"dm tdm sd sab dom koth twar war sur ctf"

For a custom Level/map you can create an ARENA file and place it in \usermaps\ along with your Fastfiles.