Call of Duty 5: Adding Twar Quick and simple

From COD Modding & Mapping Wiki
Revision as of 13:09, 26 August 2009 by Zeroy (talk | contribs) (New page: I noticed mappers often do not put Twar in their Map, its a great gametype and although it might look scary at first, its very easy to add to the levels. The following tutorial is an easy ...)
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I noticed mappers often do not put Twar in their Map, its a great gametype and although it might look scary at first, its very easy to add to the levels. The following tutorial is an easy way to do it in no time!
For the spawns i just select one DOM start allies and do Select > Select Classname then i clone the lot, bring up the Properties (n) and change the name from [B]mp_dom_spawn_allies_start[/B] to [B]mp_twar_spawn_allies_start[/B]. Repeat for the mp_dom_spawn_axis_start and mp_dom_spawn;

For the flags place the prefab /map_source/_prefabs/MP/ in your level, enter the prefab, select all (i) > Copy; Exit the prefab and delete it from your level. Paste now and without deselecting place the all copied prefab somewhere above the map where you can see it.

From you can deselect. It works like this: Each Flag has also a little red cube beside it; A & B Flags are owned by the allies side from spawn so place those near to where they start. Flag D & E is same but owned by Axis; Finally Flag C is the "neutral" Flag which should be placed in the middle of the map or at least at same distance from allies/axis start spawn - this will be the first flag to cap.

After this you can check HERE to add the Localized Strings to your Map GSC for the Location Name; Failing this and i think they will be called Alpha, Bravo ....

That is all. takes about 10minutes at the most!