Call of Duty 5: MP - Adding Dogs
Tutorial to add those dreaded Dogs to your Levels!
Missing Prefabs
IMPORTANT: Treyarch didnt include the MP Prefabs so here they are:
Simply unpack in your cod5_root, all folder structure is already done.
List of included prefabs for this section:
Almost everything needed for dogs are in the "map_source\_prefabs\MP\" folder as prefabs. There are 5 things needed to successfully setup your map.
- dog_spawner
- You only need one of these in your map and place it flush with the ground.
- dog_spawn_node
- A dog will spawn from each of these and start to follow the closest path.
- dog_exit_node
- The dogs will return to these when time is up, generally you only need one per group of dog_spawn_node(s).
- nopatrol_node
- Place these to have dogs follow them at full speed with no wandering.
- These CANNOT be more than 256 units apart.
- Place these to have dogs follow them at full speed with no wandering.
- node_pathnode
- This is the only entity that is not a prefab, found by "Right clicking the grid -> Node -> Pathnode"
- Dogs will patrol these nodes and they CANNOT be more than 256 units apart.
- This is the only entity that is not a prefab, found by "Right clicking the grid -> Node -> Pathnode"
In Radiant
1. Place a dog_spawner anywhere in the play area flush with the ground like a dm_spawn.
2. Place 4 dog_spawn_nodes.
- It is possible to place them outside the play area and using nopatrol_nodes have them run in.
3. Place a dog_exit_node close to each group of dog_spawn_node.
4. If your going to use nopatrol_nodes then place them now.
5. Fill your map with node_pathnodes making sure they aren't farther than 256 units apart and only placing them where you want dogs to go. This means that if you have a large part that is inaccessible to the player or you want to be a safe spot then don't bother placing path nodes there.
Final steps
Save, Compile, Test.
- Before Compiling Ensure you have "Connect Paths" selected in your Compile level options.
- Double check that you have a Map GSC file.
- Use "/devmap mp_yourmapname" to load your map and this also enables cheats.
- Give yourself dogs with "/give dogs_mp" in console.
- The maximum of dogs allowed is 8 but only 4 can be spawned at a time, so if one dies another will come up to 8.
Sources: Treyarch's wiki