Call of Duty 4: Introduction to animation
A lot of guys asking for teach/help them in this part of modding. After 10th request I thought about tutotrial, which I've done and now release there.
I'm really sorry, but there is only russian language. But if you'll carefuly you can take basic, which you need :) Another thing is only your maya skill, so I hope that it'll help.
I explain BASIC knowledge here, if you understand all of these things right you can easy make your own anims as well!
Have a fun ;)
1) Creating VMGun file.
2) Basic ideas, making idle; copy function.
3) Fit M16 anims to our gun.
4) Export.
1) Notetracks.
2) Controllers.
1st off I wish say BIG THANK to these guy, who helped me a lot with start! Thanks a lot, guys!
|EHD| Seven; Susel; Hallulallu; |MACOM| Hacker22.
--Sanya 19:26, 6 August 2011 (IST)
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