Call of Duty 4: Video Mapicted Tutorials
By Mapicted
Here are some video tutorials from Mapicted (Creator of Burg).
hotkeys (german keyboard...)
CTRL+ G = snap Vertex to grid CTRL+SHIFT+Q = remove Vertexline CTRL+SHIFT+A = add Vertexline between 2 lines ALT+O = add Vertexline CTRL+left click = select Vertexrline CTRL+left click = Vertex select and deselect CTRL+C = Patch kopie CTRL+V = Patch paste CTRL+I = Invert Patch SHIFT+? = add Vertexline on Curve Patch SHIFT+´ = remove Vertexline on Curve Patch CTRL+SHIFT+J = Tolerant Weld on and off W = connecting Vertex or bringon the same height (block necessary axes)
Tutorial 1: Street
DOWNLOAD (3:49) Part 2: DOWNLOAD (05:09)
Tutorial 2: Wall
DOWNLOAD (02:07)
Tutorial 3: Well
DOWNLOAD (01:20)
Tutorial 4: Dome
DOWNLOAD (02:05)