Call of Duty 5: Lighting

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Revision as of 18:59, 16 November 2008 by One richard (talk | contribs)
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Basic Light

  • To create a light right click on the grid and go to "light".
  • If your light is too small or too big you can open the entity editor with "n" and type in the Key / Value of radius / ###.

Primary Lights

First create a normal light as explained above. Then in the entity editor "n" click on the check box for PRIMARY_OMNI.

  • For any primary light we need a null entity connected to the light to tell the game what direction to cast shadows in.

Right click on the grid and go to "info -> null". Place this under your light. Connect the light to the null entity.

  • Select the light THEN select null, press "w" to connect.

Light Settings

Key / Value

  • _color / # # #
 * # = value / 255. R G B 
  • radius / #
 * # = units 
  • intensity / #
 * fov_outer / # 
  • # = degrees
 * fov_inner / # 

Light Preview

To get to the Light Preview options go to "View -> Light Preview".

Enable Light Preview - Enables or Disables the preview as a whole. Preview sun as well - When previewing lights, it shows worldspawn lighting too. Start previewing selected - Adds selected lights to continuous preview. Stop previewing selected - Removed selected light from continuous preview. Clear preview list - Resets continuous preview.