Talk:Call of Duty 5: Running Custom Maps on MAC

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Thanks for a comprehensive guide - but experience tells me that there is an alternative solution - I'm not yet sure which one to use, yours or another I found.

For the record, I am using COD4 1.7, and my custom maps work fine from a 'usermaps' folder (in the 'Call of Duty 4 Data' folder) - putting them there makes them available to all mods. Each map folder in the 'usermaps' directory is named as its map name, and contains both .ff files and the .iwd file. This setup has worked so far on most maps, but I have found a few bugs in some - could this be because of the file location? I just want to be sure that both you and I have correct information. Cheers.(ThePromenader) 08:09, 20 December 2010 (UTC)