Call of Duty 4: ModTools Content

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What's included

Xmodels: After Modtools are installed 'C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\xmodel\' should contain all the extracted model files.

Inside bin\


Level editor. Create custom .map files for single player or multiplayer.

On running CoD4Radiant for the first time, you will need to load the included cod2.prj project file which is located in "\bin".


The CoD4 effect editor. Create and modify your own effects.

On running CoD2_EffectsEd for the first time, you will be asked to browse to the location the game is installed. The default location is "Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare".


Graphical UI tool that is handy for compiling and running maps.

On running CoD4CompileTools for the first time you must click the "browse" button in the upper left corner and browse to the location the game is installed. The default location is "Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare".


Tool used for adding/modifying assets to the game. See the [[Call of Duty 4: Maya|Maya documentation] for sample usage.


compiles the .map file and creates a .d3dbsp. Referenced by CoD4CompileTools.exe, but can be called manually as well.


calculates lighting for a map and writes to the .d3dbsp. Referenced by CoD4CompileTools.exe, but can be called manually as well.


64-bits version of the above.


Converts data from asset manager to game data. If you add something to asset_manager, you must then run converter before seeing your assets in the game.


Linker PC is the piece of software that will actually gather all the needed resources for your Map and create a FastFile (.ff)


In here you will find the Maya 8 model and animation export Plugins. See the [[Call of Duty 4: Maya|Maya documentation] for information on how to setup these Plugins with your Maya software.


This is where collision map files are stored. Their filenames correspond to the xmodel name in the xmodel folder. By default, static models do not have collision, they get their collision data from these collmaps that we have made.


CoD4EffectsEd.exe looks in this folder for effectsEd_box.d3dbsp which is the bsp the editor loads. You can replace this bsp with another if you'd like CoD4EffectsEd.exe to use a different bsp.


We have included the source for two official maps, and this is where they are located, along with all the prefabs they reference. There is also a multiplayer test map included which contains the basics for any multiplayer map that can be helpful for testing.


The base character and hotbox model is located here. See included Maya documentation for explanation of this.