Call of Duty 4: Light Machine Guns

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In depth CoD4 Light Machine Gun stats.

If you like guarding objectives or sitting in one place and spamming bullets for a long time, these guns are good to consider. They excel at shelling out lots of damage per bullet and lots of bullets per clip at longer ranges than the SMGs. Be careful not to reflexively reload these weapons! Even with Sleight of Hand, it still takes longer to reload these guns than most other weapons in the game. If you accidentally reload too early, switch to your other weapon to cancel the reload, or press the sprint button.


Used by the U.S. and other NATO militaries. Full auto, like all LMGs. Easily the most accurate LMG under sustained fire, this is the LMG you'd most likely consider for close encounters. Go for headshots with this one when you can, and be careful to fire in burst to conserve ammo unless you expect many enemies to come rushing through the same point.


  • Weapon: M249 Squad Automatic Weapon
  • Accuracy: 8+ / 12
  • Damage: 5 / 12
  • Range: 9 / 12
  • Fire Rate: 9+ / 12
  • Mobility: 4 / 12
  • Clip Size/Reserve Ammo: 100/100
  • Recoil: moderate clusterr
  • Reload Time: 6.45 seconds
  • Good Perks/Attachments: Stopping Power, Steady Aim, Sleight of Hand, Red Dot Sight, ACOG Scope
Damage: 30-30
Range: 1000-1500
Rate of Fire: 925 RPM
Penetration: Large / Large Bullet
Location Damage Multiplier: Head (1.4) / Neck: (1.0) / Torso: (1.0) / Stomach: (1.0) / Limbs (1.0)
Hip Accuracy: Stand (4-10) / Crouch (3.5-8) / Prone (3-6)


Soviet LMG currently still in use in Asia and Africa. Use in the Soviet Union itself was halted by the AK-47-derived RPK, known to Battlefield 2 players. This is possibly the best LMG overall, compromising between accuracy, damage, and rate of fire. Use for close encounters, long-distance shots, or massive fire as you see fit.


  • Weapon: RPD
  • Accuracy: 7 / 12
  • Damage: 9 / 12
  • Range: 9 / 12
  • Fire Rate: 6 / 12
  • Mobility: 8 / 12
  • Clip Size/Reserve Ammo: 100/100
  • Recoil: moderate cluster
  • Reload Time: 9.7 seconds
  • Good Perks/Attachments: Grip, Stopping Power, Steady Aim, Sleight of Hand, Red Dot Sight, ACOG Scope
Damage: 40-40
Range: 1000-1400
Rate of Fire: 700 RPM
Penetration: Large / Large Bullet
Location Damage Multiplier: Head (1.4) / Neck: (1.0) / Torso: (1.0) / Stomach: (1.0) / Limbs (1.0)
Hip Accuracy: Stand (4-10) / Crouch (3.5-8) / Prone (3-6)


U.S. general purpose machine gun, used on vehicle mounts and for medium MG support. As the heaviest LMG in the game, this technically inflicts the most damage per bullet, but its slow rate of fire and massive recoil make it my least favorite LMG by far. You'll only be able to manage short bursts from this gun if you want to hit something at significant range, and the slow rate of fire means that someone with an assault rifle or SMG has an edge on you if you meet close up. Like the M14 rifle, I can't think of a situation for this gun where something else, either a rifle or other LMG, wouldn't be more useful. Still this gun is very good with grip+stopping power+deep impact, just go prone and spam a wall, and watch your kill count go up. (Note: You can unlock the M60 at Rank 19 Master Sergeant) Damage: 50-40


  • Weapon: M60E4
  • Accuracy: 8 / 12
  • Damage: 10 / 12
  • Range: 9 / 12
  • Fire Rate: 3 / 12
  • Mobility: 4 / 12
  • Clip Size/Reserve Ammo: 100/200
  • Recoil: high random
  • Reload Time: 9.7 seconds
  • Good Perks/Attachments: Grip, Double Tap, Steady Aim, Stopping Power, Deep Impact, Red Dot Sight
Damage: 50-40
Range: 1000-1500
Rate of Fire: 600 RPM
Penetration: Large / Large Bullet
Location Damage Multiplier: Head (1.4) / Neck: (1.0) / Torso: (1.0) / Stomach: (1.0) / Limbs (1.0)
Hip Accuracy: Stand (4-10) / Crouch (3.5-8) / Prone (3-6)