Call of Duty 4: Elevator Brushes

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This tutorial assumes that you already know how to create, compile & create GSCs,CSVs & FastFiles for your maps

Simple Elevator

by nuthowz

Create the elevator as a script_brushmodel then assign the key/values
key   = targetname
value = elevator

Then create the triggers go to triggers use_touch create 2 of these 1 for the beginning and 1 for the end

assign key/values

key   = targetname
value = switch 

Then connect them by selecting your brushmodel then trigger then hit the [W] key to weld them. That's it for the map side

Now create your script for the elevator to move.

	level.elevatorUp = 1;
	level.elevatorMoving = false;
	thread elevator_start();

	elevator = getentarray ("switch","targetname");
	if ( isdefined(elevator) )
		for (i = 0; i < elevator.size; i++)
			elevator[i] thread elevator_think();

		self waittill ("trigger");
		if (!level.elevatorMoving)
			thread elevator_move();

	elevatormodel = getent ("elevator", "targetname");
	level.elevatorMoving = true;
	speed = 10;
	height = 581;

	elevatormodel playsound ("elevator");
	elevatormodel movez (height - level.elevatorUp * 2 * height, speed); // When elevator is up, it will go down.
	elevatormodel waittill ("movedone");
	level.elevatorUp ^= 1; // A smart trick, turns 1 to 0 and vice-versa.
	level.elevatorMoving = false;

Complex Elevator

Invalid Article.