Call of Duty 5: Explodable Crates
It will also give you an alternate method for adding Explodable Barrels to your map.
What's Needed
- The Explodable Item assets. [1]
Extract this file to your \Call of Duty - World at War folder.
The assets contain an file & 2 collision map files.
Adding The Assets To Your Map
- In Radiant
Open the file.
The Ammo Crate & Barrel are pre filled so just copy & paste what you need into your map.
- In case you're not familiar with radiant, an easy way to place a model is by using the toolbar.
1st on the toolbar click "Force drop height to 0" so it's on.
Select the model you'd like to place & set it's angle, Press N to bring up the Entity dialogue. Set it's angle at the bottom or type in the angle.
Key - angles Value - 0 30 0
Click "Drop selected entities to the floor".
Do this for all your explodable script models.
Setting Up The Files
We now need to add the required fields to our Zone & Soundalias files depending on what you've added.
Just copy & paste the following to the corresponding files.
xmodel,global_flammable_crate_jap_piece01_d fx,destructibles/fx_ammobox_ignite fx,destructibles/fx_ammobox_fire_top fx,destructibles/fx_ammoboxExp
Explo_ammocrate,,SFX/Destruction/ammocrate_##,wii,0.8,1,0.9,1.05,500,5000,10000,,,,,explosion,90,3d,,,,,all_mp,curve2,,,,exp_debris,,curve3,,,,0.5,,,,,,,,,50,95,0.25,1 Ignition_ammocrate,,SFX/Destruction/exp/flare_##,!wii,0.4,0.5,0.9,1.05,50,500,1000,,,,,explosion,90,3d,,,,,all_mp,curve2,,,,,,curve3,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,95,0.25,1 exp_ammo,,null.wav
Incase your Soundalias file is differently headered these are the columns corresponding to the above data.
name,sequence,file,platform,vol_min,vol_max,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max,dist_reverb_max,limit_count,limit_type,entity_limit_count,entity_limit_type,bus,priority,spatialized,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,reverb_falloff_curve,subtitle,compression,randomize_type,secondaryaliasname,chainaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb_send,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,move_type,move_time,occlusion_level,min_priority,max_priority,min_priority_threshold,max_priority_threshold
xmodel,exploding_barrel_test xmodel,exploding_barrel_test_d fx,destructibles/fx_barrelexp_mp fx,destructibles/fx_barrel_ignite fx,destructibles/fx_barrel_fire_top
You don't need to call a script.
If you've used Ammo Crates make sure you include the reference to the null.wav file in your Soundalias file or you'll get warnings in game in console.
Compile the fastfiles & you should be right to go.
by Gerry