Call of Duty 5: Dynamic Foliage
This tutorial will show how to create Dynamic Foliage in COD:WAW. Credits for Tutorial and Script goes to Zweimann
By Zweimann
This is an easy way to have Dynamic Foliage in your custom map. Only 2 Steps. This code works and needs no mod, so your map runs dynamic foliage as a standalone block.
This is what you get:
Preparation and Radiant
- Change your misc_models (Trees and Palms, Foliage and grass) to script_models.
- Choose between 3 different targetnames for them (can be any of them but changes must be reflected in the script in next Step):
Trees and palms:
targetname: dyn_trees
Big Foliage:
targetname: dyn_foliage
Grass and tiny foliage:
targetname: dyn_grass
It can be a long task to change all your misc_models into script_model and add the targetname so here is one way to do it quicker:
Make a backup of your .MAP files before starting this Tutorial in case something goes wrong!
- Select one of the model you wish to have dynamic - for this example lets say the model is called foliage_cod5_tallgrass10a
- Bring up the Entity properties using n
- Highlight the K/V Model/foliage_cod5_tallgrass10a
- Close the Entity properties by pressing n again
- Now go to Selection > Select by Key/Value (or use shorcut SHIFT-CRTL-F):
- After you click you will see that the Key Model and Value foliage_cod5_tallgrass10a will be already filled in, click OK
- This will now select all the other Model called foliage_cod5_tallgrass10a in the level
- Bring up the Entity properties using n
- Now you can change misc_model Key to script_model (highlight it first then edit)
- After this you can add the new K/V:
Key: Targetname Value: Dyn_foliage
Script_models do not support Modelscale!! Make sure to reset to 1 or remove the modelscale K/V if any and replace the models accordingly on ground.
- You can now press Enter to complete and keep going with other models
- Remember to keep an eye on the number of script_model using M:
- Create a new file in raw/maps/mp/ called _dynamic_foliage.gsc
- Open it with Notepad and copy/paste the following script:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamic Foliage v.1 for CoD:WaW & CoD:MW // Coded by Zweimann ( [email protected] ) // This code has been written to enhance the ingame experience, // adding dynamic scenarios instead of static ones. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init Script // --------------------------------------------------------------------- initdfs() { println("^1Initializing Zweimann's Dynamic Foliage System"); // There should be three different script_models: trees, foliage and grass, because they're // treated in a different way. // Consider Grass to grass (obviously) and to very small foliage elements // Consider Foliage to midsize foliage // classname: script_model // targetname: <name> // These names were used in Burma 1.1. Change them to whatever you want level.dfs_tree_sm_name = "dyn_trees"; level.dfs_foliage_sm_name = "dyn_foliage"; level.dfs_grass_sm_name = "dyn_grass"; // You must set up here Strength of Wind, to simulate higher or lower sway // on foliage and trees. // 0 means no wind @ all // 10 means A HURRICANE : ) // Recommended values: 0.3 to 0.6. Optimal value: 0.5; // Obviously you can setup a dvar or whatever for this level.dfs_wind_strength = 0.5; // Let's start foliage_animation(); grass_animation(); tree_animation(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Main Scripts // ----------------------------------------------------------------- tree_animation() { level endon("game_ended"); // Sway animation for Trees // Slower, softer entities = getentarray( level.dfs_tree_sm_name, "targetname" ); vpoint = level.dfs_wind_strength / 1.4; vangles = level.dfs_wind_strength / 1.5; vtime = ( 6 * ( 1 - level.dfs_wind_strength ) ); for( i = 0; i < entities.size; i++ ) { factor = randomIntRange( 0, 10 ); if ( factor >= 5 ) mmfactor = 1; else mmfactor = -1; vibvector = entities[i].origin + ( ( vpoint * mmfactor ), 0, 0 ); entities[i] vibrate( vibvector, vangles * mmfactor , vtime, ( ( level.timelimit * 1.2 ) * 60 ) ); // Tree is damageable now entities[i] setcandamage(true); // Trees are destroyable, so let's start their threads entities[i] thread treethreads(); wait 0.005; } } foliage_animation() { level endon("game_ended"); // Sway animation for Foliage // Stronger entities = getentarray( level.dfs_foliage_sm_name, "targetname" ); vpoint = level.dfs_wind_strength * 1.5; vangles = level.dfs_wind_strength * 2; vtime = ( ( 1 - level.dfs_wind_strength ) ) * 5; mmfactor = 1; for( i = 0; i < entities.size; i++ ) { mmfactor *= -1; vibvector = entities[i].origin + ( randomFloatRange( 0,90 ) * mmfactor , 0, 0 ); entities[i] vibrate( vibvector, ( vangles * mmfactor ) , vtime, ( ( level.timelimit * 1.2 ) * 60 ) ); wait 0.005; } } grass_animation() { level endon("game_ended"); // Sway animation for Grass // Strongest entities = getentarray( level.dfs_grass_sm_name, "targetname" ); vpoint = level.dfs_wind_strength * 2; vangles = level.dfs_wind_strength * 4; vtime = ( ( 1 - level.dfs_wind_strength ) ) * 2.5; mmfactor = 1; for( i = 0; i < entities.size; i++ ) { mmfactor *= -1; vibvector = entities[i].origin + ( ( vpoint * mmfactor ), 0, 0 ); entities[i] vibrate( vibvector, ( vangles * mmfactor ) , vtime, ( ( level.timelimit * 1.2 ) * 60 ) ); wait 0.005; } } treethreads() { level endon("game_ended"); self endon("broken"); while( !isDefined(self.broken) ) { // You can even play with tagName if you place Trees/Palms with more than one tag // Trees could be burned, broken and more. // By the moment, they're destroyed and sunk down self waittill("damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, mod, modelName, tagName); if ( mod != "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" && mod != "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" && mod != "MOD_MELEE" ) if ( damage > 50 ) self treefall(); } } // Code below is originally from CoD:WaW scripts // Modified by Zweimann to fit our requirements treefall() { yaw = randomint(360); break_angles = (self.angles[0], yaw, self.angles[2]); break_vector = anglesToForward(break_angles); break_vector = vectorScale(break_vector, 100); start = (self.origin + break_vector) + (0, 0, 512); end = start + (0, 0, -1024); trace = bulletTrace(start, end, false, self); dist_vector = ((self.origin + break_vector) - trace["position"]); dist = dist_vector[2]; velocity = 0; travelled = 0; lasttravelled = travelled; count = 0; lastcount = count; while(travelled < dist) { velocity = velocity + 340; lasttravelled = travelled; travelled = travelled + velocity; lastcount = count; count++; } remainder = lasttravelled - dist; if(remainder < 0) remainder = remainder * -1; if ( velocity != 0 ) time = lastcount + (remainder / velocity); else time = lastcount; self moveGravity(break_vector, time); self waittill("movedone"); vec = vectorNormalize(break_vector); vec = vectorScale(vec, 320); start = (self.origin + vec) + (0, 0, 1024); end = start + (0, 0, -1024); trace = bulletTrace(start, end, false, self); ground = trace["position"]; treeup_vector = anglesToUp(self.angles); treeup_angles = vectortoangles(treeup_vector); rest_vector = ground - self.origin; rest_angles = vectorToAngles(rest_vector); treeorg = spawn("script_origin", self.origin); treeorg.origin = self.origin; treeorg.angles = (treeup_angles[0], rest_angles[1], rest_angles[2]); self linkto(treeorg); treeorg rotateTo(rest_angles, 1.15, .5, 0); treeorg waittill("rotatedone"); treeorg rotatepitch(-2.5,.21,.05,.15); treeorg waittill("rotatedone"); treeorg rotatepitch(2.5,.26,.15,.1); treeorg waittill("rotatedone"); self unlink(); self.broken = 1; self notify("broken"); self setcandamage(false); }
- Save the file, now open your Main Map GSC File and just before the final } add this line:
- Save the file
Zone File
- Add the following line to your Zone File:
- Enjoy a new CODWAW Experience!
Just like Spawns the script_models are Entities and therefore have a limit - most likely to be 1024. The maximum number of Script_models so far tested is 576.
You can check the number of entities you have in a level by hitting M when in Radiant.