Call of Duty 5: Zombie Map Tutorial: Shi No Numa

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In Mod Tools Update 1.3, you will find various of Nazi_Zombie_Sumpf (Shi No Numa) scripts such as nazi_zombie_sumpf_zipline.GSC. Each of these scripts contains many lines of code to implement the new features; these new features will take quite a bit of time to integrate and requires proficient scripting knowledge as the scripts are tailored specifically for Nazi_Zombie_Sumpf.

In an effort to make it easier, a tutorial map as well as an in-game Modder Help Center was created for this tutorial to modulate the integration of the new Shi No Numa features without requiring scripting knowledge. All of the Nazi_Zombie_Sumpf specific scripts have been altered to DLC2_* GSCs and appropiate changes have been made to them as well as ZombieMode utility scripts to remove Nazi_Zombie_Sumpf specific lines and modulate them to work with any map that wants to use the features from Shi No Numa.

Tutorial Supplement Download: Version 1.0 Source Files (Updated July 20, 2009 )
Playable Tutorial Download:

It should be noted that you will need the tutorial supplements in order to fully follow through this tutorial. You may use the stock scripts but, as stated above, you will need to go through a lot of scripts and edit many lines of code for them to work with your map which would make this tutorial a lot more complex than it needs to be. Using the supplements will require very little scripting since the work has been done for you, any scripting required would just be for adding in any CreateFX you want for your map for the most part.

Modder Help Center

In-Game DLC2 Modder Help Center.

When working on creating your zombie map, if you set dvar 'developer' to '1', you'll get HUD elements displaying anything that is detected wrong with your map when adding Shi No Numa features and how to go about fixing the problem.

This will also help prevent the game from disconnecting from the map since it will stop the thread where a problem is caught and spit out debug HUD info for you.

If you have any trouble following this tutorial, an alternative is to launch your map and follow the advice from Help Center in-game in real time as you play through your level.

Tutorial Map

The map included in the source and playable files is entitled Nazi_Zombie_Kyassuru. It is a rehash of the MP_Castle map that comes in the 1.2 mod tools update. Any MP_Castle specific prefabs that were changed are saved into Map_Source/_Prefabs/Kyassuru, that way the stock the MP Castle prefabs stay untouched.

Setting up Your Map Name

Custom zombie maps will need to have a prefix of nazi_zombie_ in order to work correctly with the game. Your scripts/ zone source/ soundalias/ etc should follow the same naming convention too.

Keep your map name short. Anything longer than 11 characters (excluding the required Nazi_Zombie_ prefix) may cause problems later for Coop load screens and map loading. "Nazi_Zombie_Death_Valley" would be too long since Death_Valley is 12 characters.

Setting Up Your Level Script

Download the tutorial supplement above and extract the files into your Call of Duty: World At War installation directory. You may be asked to overwrite files such as Zombie Utilities -- these were changed to work with any custom Zombie map in the future rather than changing them each time you wish to make a new Shi No Numa-style map.

Copy Nazi_Zombie_Kyassuru.GSC and rename it your map name. Open it NotePad, UltraEdit, or any type of word editor you use.

Level Variables

Inside your map script, you will notice a lot of level variables at the top. There are four very important ones you want to look at:

	level.coreZones[ level.coreZones.size ] = "corner1";
	level.coreZones[ level.coreZones.size ] = "corner2";
	level.coreZones[ level.coreZones.size ] = "corner3";
	level.coreZones[ level.coreZones.size ] = "corner4";

These represent four corners in your map that correspond to the four corners in Shi No Numa. These will be called Cores for the time being.


These Cores will tie into the DLC2 and ZombieMode scripts provided in the supplement, that way you do not have to do any extensive scripting.

Core = [Enter Below In List]                    ie. "corner1"

Area Zone = Core + "_area_zone"                 ie. "targetname" "corner1_area_zone"
Building Zone = Core + "_building_zone"         ie. "targetname" "corner1_building_zone"

Door Open Zombiess = Core + "_initial_zombies"  ie. "targetname" "corner1_initial_zombies"

Area Door = Core + "_area_unlocked"             ie. "script_flag" "corner1_area_unlocked"
Building/Magic Box Door = Core + "_building_unlocked"  ie. "script_flag" "corner1_building_unlocked"

Magic Box = Core + "_chest"                     ie. "script_noteworthy" "corner1_chest"

Chest = Core + "_chest"                         ie. "script_noteworthy" "corner1_chest"

Perk Locs = Core + "_randomVendingLoc"          ie. "script_noteworthy" "corner1_randomVendingLoc"

Area Dogs = Core + "_area_dog_spawns"           ie. "targetname" "corner1_area_dog_spawners"
Building Dogs = Core + "_building_dog_spawns"   ie. "targetname" "corner1_building_dog_spawners"

Changes You Need To Make

You will definitely need to change the latter coreZones to correspond to the Cores you plan to use for your map. You will also need to change the following name for your level's:


Otherwise, you there are various variables in the main() function you can feel free to change to turn off/on features such as the Pendulum, using Coop Hero Players, etc... All you need to do is change the variable, no other scripting required.

You should not need to touch anything outside of main in your level script, DLC2 scripts, or ZombieMode utility scripts. The level variables in your level script main() function is tied into all those scripts.

Radiant Setup


In Shi No Numa players are spawned together, unlike Verruckt. This tutorial covers spawning all the players together.

Spawn Point Set Up

Add in an info_player_start found in the right click menu under the info sub menu. You'll need just one, but you'll have to add in four (4) script_structs to support four players. Place these anywhere you wish in your map and give them the KVP:

"targetname" "initial_spawn_points"
Normally you would then have to script a function to move the players around to each but the zombie mode utility already takes care of that for you if you use the above targetname.

Intermission Cameras

This isn't required but if you want a camera view pan at the end of the match add in two script_structs to your map. Make the first struct target the second one, the start and end points for the camera view respectively.

For the start point struct, you will need to give it two KVPs

"targetname" "intermission"
"speed" "20"

20 is a good number and the one used for the stock zombie map, feel free to tweak it.

You can repeat the process to have multiple camera paths so the game will cycle randomly through them during the end of the game.



Right click in Radiant.

Generally, they will need these KVPs:

"targetname" "zombie_spawner_init"
"script_forcespawn" "1"
"count" "9999"
"script_noteworthy" "zombie_spawner"
"spawnflags" "3"
"model" "char_ger_wrmcht_fullbody1"
"classname" "actor_axis_zombie_jp_swamp"
Path Nodes

Your map will need nodes placed based on where you want the Zombies to walk. For an explanation of nodes and how to place them, please see the Navigation Overview page.

For Zombie Mode you will more than likely only need path nodes and traversals since Zombies won't be using action/cover nodes.

Ideally, if you have Zombies breaking through windows, they will need to make their way through the window. This requires placing in negotiation nodes with a traverse animation, but these are already done for you in the form of prefabs. The one you will need is: _prefabs/traverse/

For better positioning of the prefab, use the traverse brush in the prefab as a guide. The brush represents the lower end of the wall so you can match it up to the geometry in your map so the AI plays the wall hop animation nicely onto your geo.

As with the window barriers, the direction of the angle on the prefab is the direction the Zombies will wall hop through.

Rise Out Of Ground

To have Zombies rise out the ground, you will simply need to give them a KVP of:

"script_string" "riser"

You'll also need to add in script_structs on where you want Zombies to rise out of. It is important that you drop these script_structs to 0 height, the will be half intersecting the terrain and half sticking out.

"targetname" "zombie_rise"
Do not put ground rising spawners under the ground, as there is a 25% chance they will not rise and may cause problems from spawning like a normal ground walking zombie under your map.

To have a water FX play as a Zombie rises, give the script_struct a KVP of:

"script_noteworthy" "in_water"

Hell Hounds

Right click in Radiant.

Generally, they will need these KVPs:

"classname" "actor_zombie_dog"
"model" "zombie_wolf"
"spawnflags" "5"
"targetname" "zombie_spawner_dog_init"
"script_forcespawn" "1"
"script_noteworthy" "zombie_dog_spawner"
"script_string" "zombie_chaser"

Make a Script_Struct below the Hell Hound and make the dog target the Script_Struct.

Path Nodes

Your map will need nodes placed based on where you want the Hell Hounds to walk. For an explanation of nodes and how to place them, please see the Navigation Overview page.

For Zombie Mode you will more than likely only need path nodes and traversals since Hell Hounds won't be using action/cover nodes.

Window Boards

The boards Zombies rip through can easily be placed in your map using the prefab: \map_source\_prefabs\zombiemode\

You should use the prefab, or look into how the prefab is made, because Zombies now play specific animations when tearing down the board so their arms no longer grab thin air. The Script_Noteworthy on each board corresponds to a specific animation.

The direction of the angle on the prefab is the direction the Zombie will approach it and break through.


Buyable weapons are like blockers in that they are unique and are left up to the user to determine price cost. Although, there are a few prefabs of buyable weapons that can be included in your map or used to learn from in \map_source\_prefabs\zombiemode\ -- they are the weapon_*.MAP prefabs.


You'll want to add the weapon chalk decals to your map, these can be found in Radiant under Locale>Decals.


Add in a script_model.

Assign it a model of the weapon you want players to buy and place it by the decal.

Buy Trigger

Make a trigger_use.

Select the script_model you just made while the trigger is still selected and press W (by default) to make the trigger target the script_model weapon.

The trigger will need some KVPs:

"targetname" "weapon_upgrade"
"zombie_weapon_upgrade" ""
"zombie_cost" ""

The zombie_weapon_upgrade value should be the weapon name.

zombie_cost you define on your own based on how much money you want required. These are the stock defined values (if you want a different price, you'll have to edit a string into the the zombie.STR in raw\english\localizedstrings):

100 200 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000


Blockers are buyable furniture in the map. These aren't prefabbed because they aren't always the same and can differ depending on how a mapper wants to set them up.


Start off by making a script_model, and assigning any model you want to block the path. Then you'll need to give it some KVPs.

"script_linkTo" ""
"spawnflags" "1"
"targetname" ""


"script_firefx" "poltergeist"
"script_fxid" "large_ceiling_dust"
"script_noteworthy" "jiggle"

script_linkTo and targetname are left blank up above because it will be different for each furniture piece (hence a reason why there are no prefabs). They will be referenced in the Move Location section right below on how to properly set them up.

Move Location

You'll need to make a script_struct on where you want the blocker to move when triggered. You'll have to give a KVP:

"script_linkName" ""

The script_linkName should match up to the number as the script_linkTo on the blocker. You'll see a red line connected from the blocker to the struct when both are entered.

Buy Trigger

You'll then need to make triggers for players to buy the blocker, depending on how your map is laid out, you typically need to make two trigger_uses on both sides (in case the players unlock a different part of the map and come from the other side, depends on your map). Any triggers you want to use for that particular blocker will need a few KVPs:

"targetname" "zombie_debris"
"zombie_cost" ""
"target" ""

The target should match up to the targetname on the blocker. Once the triggers are set, you should see red lines connecting to the blocker.

zombie_cost you define on your own based on how much money you want required. These are the defined values (if you want a different price, you'll have to edit a string into the the zombie.STR in raw\english\localizedstrings):

100 200 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000

Zone Management

Zone Management is made easy through the tutorial supplement. It is based on the Cores you entered in earlier, and those Cores are the root for operations within the Zones through the KVPs you enter in Radiant for entities.

Zombie Doors

On Zombie Double Doors, you can assign a Script_Flag to set a flag. The flag will get initialized so there is no need to worry about scripting.

If you are using regular blockers, you can also assign a Script_Flag to them.


To unlock an "Area", the map section outside a perk building, give the Zombie Double Door purchase trigger a KVP such as:

"script_flag" "corner1_area_unlocked"

When a player purchases the door, the "corner1_area_unlocked" flag will be set spawning initial zombies, adding new zombie and hell hound spawn locations, etc...


To unlock a "Building", the map section inside a perk building, give the Zombie Double Door purchase trigger a KVP such as:

"script_flag" "corner1_building_unlocked"

When a player purchases the door, the "corner1_building_unlocked" flag will be set spawning initial zombies, adding new zombie and hell hound spawn locations, etc... And also initiating the random Perk lottery in that building.

Random Magic Boxes

The Magic Boxes can easily be placed in your map using the prefab: \map_source\_prefabs\

You will need to edit the Script_Noteworthy on each purchase trigger to match the Cores you listed, such as:

"script_noteworthy" "corner1_chest"
"script_noteworthy" "corner2_chest"



If you would like to have Zombie Spawners active when players are in a zone, make an Info_Volume and target it to the spawners. The Zombie spawners will need a unique or blank targetname KVP before doing this as you might accientally have the Info_Volume target all the initial zombies.

Give the Zone a KVP depending upon whether this is for an "Area" or "Building" such as:

"targetname" "corner1_area_zone"

Area Zone = Core + "_area_zone" ie. "targetname" "corner1_area_zone"
Building Zone = Core + "_building_zone" ie. "targetname" "corner1_building_zone"


If you would like to have Zombie Risers active when players unlock an "Area" or "Building", give the script_struct a targetname KVP such as:

"targetname" "corner1_area_zombie_rise"

Area Zombie = Core + "_area_zombie_rise" ie. "targetname" "corner1_area_zombie_rise"
Building Zombie = Core + "_building_zombie_rise" ie. "targetname" "corner1_building_zombie_rise"

Hell Hounds

If you wish to have Hell Hound spawn locations made available upon an Area or Building map section being opened, change the Hell Hound targetname to a KVP such as:

"targetname" "corner1_area_dog_spawners"

This will make Hell Hound spawns with that KVP available when the Zombie Double Door is purchased for Corner1 Area.

Area Dogs = Core + "_area_dog_spawns" ie. "targetname" "corner1_area_dog_spawners"
Building Dogs = Core + "_building_dog_spawns" ie. "targetname" "corner1_building_dog_spawners"


The Pendulum can easily be placed in your map using the prefab: \map_source\_prefabs\

You can feel free to edit the size of the prefab to fit your map.



The Pendulum can easily be placed in your map using the prefab: \map_source\_prefabs\

You can feel free to edit the size of the prefab to fit your map.

Initiating Pendulum

You will need to be sure to flag set "pendulum_on" through either of these KVPs on a Zombie Double Door:

"script_flag" "pendulum_on"
"script_parameter" "pendulum_on"


The Electric Traps can easily be placed in your map using the four prefabs: \map_source\_prefabs\, \map_source\_prefabs\, \map_source\_prefabs\, and \map_source\_prefabs\

If see red lines connecting between your four traps and are getting script errors about getEnt used with more than one ent, you will need to change the KVPs on the electric box lights to be unique per trap (a copy/paste malfunction may have happened).
If you are not seeing the electric zap FX in-game, you are missing the function for it in your Client Script

Zone Source Files


Copy Nazi_Zombie_Kyassuru.CSV and rename it to your map.

Inside, replace any references of nazi_zombie_kyassuru to your map name. You may want to comment out any level specific files you do not have yet such as CreateFx, Client Script, etc... until you are ready to have them executed.

Build your map!


Copy the Mod.CSV and move it to your Mod folder.

Build the Mod.FF!


Copy the nazi_zombie_kyassuru_patch.CSV and rename it to your map.

Build the Patch FF for your map!


While not a Fast File, it is important to note you will need to put any weapons for ZombieMode in an IWD and place it in your mod folder.

Sources: Treyarch's Wiki