Call of Duty 4: Flapping Shutters
This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with Radiant, Triggers and Entities
By HarkoninVSC
The stock _shutter script adds alot of character and atmosphere to a map. Here I will give a brief tutorial on how to make it work for you.
In Radiant
- The first thing we need to do is to create a brush to cover our window.
For this tut we will make a brush that is 48 units high x 32 units long and 4 units deep. Once your brush is constructed, use the space bar to clone it. Resize the copy to about 2 units long and 2 units deep (height is the same). Select the origin texture for this brush and place it where your hinge would be on the left side.
- Ok now that the geometry is done select both brushes and right click your 2D window. Scroll down to script and select brushmodel.
After this we need to pull up the entity window with the [N] key. Use the following Key/Value:
targetname shutter_left
- If using more than one shutter repeat steps 1 and 2 but placing on the right side and using the targetname of shutter_right.
All thats left to do is to make sure you have this entry in your mapname.gsc
With that done simply recompile your BSP, update your zone file with
and check out your new "flapping shutters".
--Zeroy. 20:59, 17 October 2008 (UTC)