Call of Duty 5: Zombie Mapping Advanced
This is about how to create custom "Nazi Zombie" maps.
This tutorial is slightly advanced, a more in-depth Zombie Mapping tutorial is availiable HERE for more begineers mappers!
First and foremost, for your custom Nazi Zombies maps to work properly with the utility scripts, you will have to name your map with the prefix nazi_zombie_, For example, nazi_zombie_paris or nazi_zombie_chicago. Otherwise you will run into script errors and need to edit + include utilities into your Fastfile like _loadout.gsc
Nazi Zombie Mode is a SinglePlayer/Co-op only mode.
With that said, the following walk-through assumes you have already made the geometry for your level and are looking to implement Nazi Zombie Mode.
Add in an info_player_start found in the right click menu under the info sub menu. You'll need just one, but you'll have to add in four (4) script_structs to support four players. Place these anywhere you wish in your map and give them the KVP:
"targetname" "initial_spawn_points"
Normally you would then have to script a function to move the players around to each but the zombie mode utility already takes care of that for you if you use the above targetname.
Your map will need nodes placed based on where you want the Zombies to walk. For an explanation of nodes and how to place them, please see the Navigation Overview page.
For Zombie Mode you will more than likely only need path nodes since Zombies won't be using action/cover nodes.
The boards Zombies rip through can easily be placed in your map use the prefab: _prefabs\zombiemode\
The direction of the angle on the prefab is the direction the Zombie will approach it and break through.
Ideally, if you have Zombies breaking through windows, they will need to make their way through the window. This requires placing in negotiation nodes with a traverse animation, but these are already done for you in the form of prefabs. The one you will need is: _prefabs/traverse/
For better positioning of the prefab, use the traverse brush in the prefab as a guide. The brush represents the lower end of the wall so you can match it up to the geometry in your map so the AI plays the wall hop animation nicely onto your geo.
As with the window barriers, the direction of the angle on the prefab is the direction the Zombies will wall hop through.
For placing zombies, right cick in the ortographic view and use Actors> Axis> Zombie_ger_ber_sshonor. While you have the spawner selected, press N (by default) to open the entity window to give the zombie some KVPs
"script_noteworthy" "zombie_spawner" "count" "9999" "script_forcespawn" "1" "targetname" "zombie_spawner_init" "spawnflags" "3"
This isn't required but if you want a camera view pan at the end of the match add in two script_structs to your map. Make the first struct target the second one, the start and end points for the camera view respectively.
For the start point struct, you will need to give it two KVPs
"targetname" "intermission" "speed" "20"
20 is a good number and the one used for the stock zombie map, feel free to tweak it.
You can repeat the process for a separate camera path so the game will cycle randomly through various camera paths during the end of the game.
Blockers are the buyable furniture/door/etc.. in the map. These aren't prefabbed because they aren't always the same for how you set them up.
Start off by making a script_model, and assigning any model you want to block the path. Then you'll need to give it some KVPs.
"script_linkTo" "" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" ""
"script_firefx" "poltergeist" "script_fxid" "large_ceiling_dust" "script_noteworthy" "jiggle"
script_linkTo and targetname are left blank up above because it will be different for each furniture piece (hence a reason why there are no prefabs). They will be referenced on the next few lines on how to properly set them up.
Move Location
You'll need to make a script_struct on where you want the blocker to move when triggered. You'll have to give a KVP:
"script_linkName" ""
The script_linkName should match up to the number as the script_linkTo on the blocker. You'll see a red line connected from the blocker to the struct when both are entered.
Buy Triggers
You'll then need to make triggers for players to buy the blocker, depending on how your map is laid out, you typically need to make two trigger_uses on both sides (in case the players unlock a different part of the map and come from the other side, depends on your map). Any triggers you want to use for that particular blocker will need a few KVPs:
"targetname" "zombie_debris" "zombie_cost" "" "target" ""
zombie_debris is being used for this tut because it is generic and easier to set up, there is also doors which require abit more KVPs, you can check out _zombiemode_blockers.gsc for more info.
The target should match up to the targetname on the blocker. Once the triggers are set, you should see red lines connecting to the blocker.
zombie_cost you can define on your own for how much money is required. These are the defined values (if you want a different price, you'll have to edit a string into the the zombie.str in raw\english\localizedstrings):
100 | 200 | 250 | 500 | 750 | 1000 | 1250 | 1500 | 1750 | 2000 |
Trigger Zombies
You can add more zombie spawn locations when the player buys something by simply having the blocker target the spawner(s) in Radiant. It is not necessary/required.
Those spawners should not get the targetname zombie_spawner_init otherwise that blocker will target everyone. You can give the new zombie spawners different targetnames of your choice, just don't name them zombie_spawner_init.
Buyable Weapons
Buyable weapons are like blockers in that they are unique, so they are no set prefabs for them.
You'll want to add the weapon chalk decals to your map, these can be found in Radiant under Locale>Decals.
Add in a script_model.
Assign it a model of the weapon you want players to buy and place it by the decal.
Buy Trigger
Make a trigger_use.
Select the script_model you just made while the trigger is still selected and press W (by default) to make the trigger target the script_model weapon.
The trigger will need some KVPs:
"targetname" "weapon_upgrade" "zombie_weapon_upgrade" ""
The zombie_weapon_upgrade value should be the weapon name.
Playable Area
Playable area is used to make sure power ups don't spawn outside the contained areas of map where players aren't able to reach the power up.
To make a playable area, make a trigger_multiple in your map and give it the KVP:
"targetname" "playable_area"
You can only have one playable area trigger in your map! You can split it up however, but you can only have one.
Treasure Chest
The treasure chest is a prefab that you can easily through into your map, it is: _prefabs\zombiemode\
Weapon Cabinet
The weapon cabinet is a prefab that you can easily through into your map, it is: _prefabs\zombiemode\
You'll only really need two GSC script for Zombie mode to work. The following GSC scripts should go in your in raw/maps.
YOURMAPNAME should be changed to your map name, the nazi_zombie_ prefix is already added.
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; main() { level thread maps\_callbacksetup::SetupCallbacks(); include_weapons(); include_powerups(); maps\nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME_fx::main(); maps\_zombiemode::main(); init_sounds(); // If you want to modify/add to the weapons table, please copy over the _zombiemode_weapons init_weapons() and paste it here. // I recommend putting it in it's own function... // If not a MOD, you may need to provide new localized strings to reflect the proper cost. } init_sounds() { maps\_zombiemode_utility::add_sound( "break_stone", "break_stone" ); } // Include the weapons that are only inr your level so that the cost/hints are accurate // Also adds these weapons to the random treasure chest. include_weapons() { // Pistols //include_weapon( "colt" ); //include_weapon( "colt_dirty_harry" ); //include_weapon( "walther" ); include_weapon( "sw_357" ); // Semi Auto include_weapon( "m1carbine" ); include_weapon( "m1garand" ); include_weapon( "gewehr43" ); // Full Auto include_weapon( "stg44" ); include_weapon( "thompson" ); include_weapon( "mp40" ); // Bolt Action include_weapon( "kar98k" ); include_weapon( "springfield" ); // Scoped include_weapon( "ptrs41_zombie" ); include_weapon( "kar98k_scoped_zombie" ); // Grenade include_weapon( "molotov" ); // JESSE: lets go all german grenades for consistency and to reduce annoyance factor // include_weapon( "fraggrenade" ); include_weapon( "stielhandgranate" ); // Grenade Launcher include_weapon( "m1garand_gl" ); include_weapon( "m7_launcher" ); // Flamethrower include_weapon( "m2_flamethrower_zombie" ); // Shotgun include_weapon( "doublebarrel" ); include_weapon( "doublebarrel_sawed_grip" ); include_weapon( "shotgun" ); // Bipod include_weapon( "fg42_bipod" ); include_weapon( "mg42_bipod" ); include_weapon( "30cal_bipod" ); // Heavy MG include_weapon( "bar" ); // Rocket Launcher include_weapon( "panzerschrek" ); // Special include_weapon( "ray_gun" ); } include_powerups() { include_powerup( "nuke" ); include_powerup( "insta_kill" ); include_powerup( "double_points" ); include_powerup( "full_ammo" ); } include_weapon( weapon_name ) { maps\_zombiemode_weapons::include_zombie_weapon( weapon_name ); } include_powerup( powerup_name ) { maps\_zombiemode_powerups::include_zombie_powerup( powerup_name ); }
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; main() { scriptedFX(); footsteps(); } footsteps() { animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "brick", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "carpet", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "cloth", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "concrete", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "dirt", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "foliage", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "gravel", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "grass", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "ice", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_snow" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "metal", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "mud", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_mud" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "paper", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "plaster", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "rock", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "sand", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "snow", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_snow" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "water", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_water" ) ); animscripts\utility::setFootstepEffect( "wood", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); } scriptedFX() { level._effect["large_ceiling_dust"] = LoadFx( "env/dirt/fx_dust_ceiling_impact_lg_mdbrown" ); level._effect["poltergeist"] = LoadFx( "misc/fx_zombie_couch_effect" ); }
Zone Source
There are two important zone sources here: [levelname].csv and zombiemode.csv, both go in [root]\zone_source
YOURMAPNAME should be changed to your map name, the nazi_zombie_ prefix is already added.
This one you do touch unlike Zombiemode.csv, and add in anything specific to your map, some common entries you'll probably want to throw in or use as a template are:
ignore,code_post_gfx ignore,common col_map_sp,maps/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME.d3dbsp rawfile,maps/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME.gsc rawfile,maps/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME_anim.gsc rawfile,maps/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME_amb.gsc rawfile,maps/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME_fx.gsc // New rawfile,clientscripts/ rawfile,clientscripts/ rawfile,clientscripts/createfx/ rawfile,maps/createfx/nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME_fx.gsc sound,common,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,generic,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,voiceovers,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,requests,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,weapons,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,projectiles,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,nazi_zombie_YOURMAPNAME,all_sp sound,weapons,,all_mp sound,weapons,,all_sp sound,common,mp_testmap,!all_mp sound,generic,mp_testmap,!all_mp sound,voiceovers,mp_testmap,!all_mp sound,multiplayer,mp_testmap,!all_mp // for zombie specific assets include,zombiemode // for coop players include,common_player_us // for all weapon sounds sound,weapons,audio_test_tuey,all_sp xmodel,viewmodel_usa_marine_arms xmodel,viewmodel_usa_marine_player xanim,ch_dazed_d_death xanim,ch_dazed_c_death xanim,ch_dazed_b_death xanim,ch_dazed_a_death xanim,ch_dazed_d xanim,ch_dazed_c xanim,ch_dazed_b xanim,ch_dazed_a fx,env/dirt/fx_dust_ceiling_impact_lg_mdbrown fx,misc/fx_zombie_couch_effect xmodel,skybox_zombie // WEAPONS // regular weapons weapon,sp/zombie_colt weapon,sp/zombie_melee weapon,sp/bar weapon,sp/bar_bipod weapon,sp/bar_bipod_crouch weapon,sp/bipod_prone weapon,sp/bipod_stand weapon,sp/colt weapon,sp/colt_dirty_harry weapon,sp/colt_wet weapon,sp/m1garand weapon,sp/kar98k_scoped_zombie weapon,sp/kar98k weapon,sp/kar98k_scoped weapon,sp/kar98k_scoped_bayonet weapon,sp/kar98k_scoped_bayonet_zombie weapon,sp/fraggrenade weapon,sp/m2_flamethrower_zombie weapon,sp/molotov weapon,sp/napalmblob weapon,sp/napalmbloblight weapon,sp/doublebarrel weapon,sp/m1carbine weapon,sp/fg42_bipod weapon,sp/doublebarrel_sawed_grip weapon,sp/gewehr43 weapon,sp/ptrs41_zombie weapon,sp/shotgun weapon,sp/stg44 weapon,sp/thompson weapon,sp/mp40 weapon,sp/mg42_bipod weapon,sp/springfield weapon,sp/m1garand_gl weapon,sp/panzerschrek weapon,sp/mk2_frag weapon,sp/m7_launcher weapon,sp/walther weapon,sp/sw_357 weapon,sp/30cal_bipod weapon,sp/stielhandgranate weapon,sp/ray_gun weapon,sp/type99_lmg weapon,sp/fg42_bipod_crouch weapon,sp/fg42_bipod_stand weapon,sp/fg42_bipod_prone weapon,sp/mg42_bipod_crouch weapon,sp/mg42_bipod_stand weapon,sp/mg42_bipod_prone weapon,sp/type99_lmg_bipod_crouch weapon,sp/type99_lmg_bipod_stand weapon,sp/type99_lmg_bipod_prone fx,bio/player/fx_footstep_dust fx,bio/player/fx_footstep_water fx,bio/player/fx_footstep_sand fx,bio/player/fx_footstep_mud weapon,sp/30cal_bipod_crouch weapon,sp/30cal_bipod_stand weapon,sp/30cal_bipod_prone fx,env/smoke/fx_fog_zombie_amb fx,env/light/fx_ray_sun_sm_short fx,env/smoke/fx_fog_rolling_thick_600x600
Zombiemode.csv has all the entries for Zombie mode to work, you shouldn't have to touch this though. If you do touch it and need the correct entries again, copy/paste these:
include,flamethrower // strings localize,zombie // viewmodel arms xmodel,viewmodel_usa_marine_arms xmodel,viewmodel_usa_marine_player // player zombie melee arms - the "weapon" weapon,sp/zombie_melee // Needed for laststand weapon,sp/fraggrenade weapon,sp/colt // zombie anims xanim,ai_zombie_attack_forward_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_forward_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_death_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_death_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_door_pound_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_door_pound_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_idle_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_idle_v1_delta xanim,ai_zombie_shot_arm_left xanim,ai_zombie_shot_arm_right xanim,ai_zombie_shot_leg_left_2_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_shot_leg_right_2_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_sprint_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_sprint_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v3 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_v3 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_v4 xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_walk_fast_v3 xanim,ai_zombie_sprint_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_sprint_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_crawl_sprint xanim,ai_zombie_idle_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_idle_crawl_base xanim,ai_zombie_idle_crawl_delta xanim,ai_zombie_attack_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_attack_crawl_lunge // tear anims xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_high xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_left xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_right xanim,ai_zombie_door_tear_low // pound door animations xanim,ai_zombie_door_pound_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_door_pound_v2 // after gib shot anims xanim,ai_zombie_shot_arm_left xanim,ai_zombie_shot_arm_right xanim,ai_zombie_shot_leg_left_2_crawl xanim,ai_zombie_shot_leg_right_2_crawl // melee anims xanim,ai_zombie_attack_forward_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_forward_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_attack_v2 // idle xanim,ai_zombie_idle_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_idle_base // traverse xanim,ai_zombie_traverse_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_traverse_v2 xanim,ai_zombie_traverse_crawl_v1 rawfile,maps/_zombiemode.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_score.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_blockers.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_utility.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_spawner.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_powerups.gsc rawfile,maps/_zombiemode_radio.gsc rawfile,vision/ // materials material,zombie_intro material,nazi_intro material,hud_chalk_1 material,hud_chalk_2 material,hud_chalk_3 material,hud_chalk_4 material,hud_chalk_5 // leaderboard materials material,scorebar_zom_1 material,scorebar_zom_2 material,scorebar_zom_3 material,scorebar_zom_4 material,scorebar_zom_long_1 material,scorebar_zom_long_2 material,scorebar_zom_long_3 material,scorebar_zom_long_4 // fog at edge of level fx,env/smoke/fx_fog_zombie_amb fx,env/light/fx_ray_sun_sm_short // neckstump xmodel,char_ger_honorgd_zomb_behead // head gib stuff fx,misc/fx_zombie_bloodsplat fx,misc/fx_zombie_bloodspurt // eye piece xmodel,char_ger_zombieeye // SRS 9/2/2008: for playing fx that we need to stop xmodel,tag_origin // FX for the eyes fx,misc/fx_zombie_eye_single // FX for player being a zombie fx,misc/fx_zombie_grain_cloud //zombie powerups fx,misc/fx_zombie_powerup_on fx,misc/fx_zombie_powerup_grab fx,misc/fx_zombie_powerup_wave fx,misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke fx,misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke_hotness xmodel,zombie_bomb xmodel,zombie_skull xmodel,zombie_x2_icon xmodel,zombie_ammocan // radio fx fx,env/electrical/fx_elec_short_oneshot xmodel,static_berlin_ger_radio
Once you have everything done, go into Launcher and select your map in the map list. Check off:
Compile BSP Compile Lights Connect Paths Compile Reflections (If you added reflection nodes) Build Fast Files Run Map After Compile (If you want to play it right away)
You may want to make your map a Mod Specific Map. Make a folder in your [root]\mods folder with the same name as your map for organization, then in Launcher check the Mod Specific Map box and select your mod on the drop down list.
Zombies don't move or attack people.
A: You might have a bad path network, check Navigation Overview page again. A: Or you might not have any barriers in your map, you'll need them.
Power ups spawn outside the barriers, play's can't get them.
A: You'll need to make one (1) trigger_multiple and give it a KVP targetname of playable_area and place it in your map.
Power ups don't spawn at all and I made playable area triggers.
A: You must only use one playable area trigger.
Sources: Treyarch's Wiki