Call of Duty 4: Bobbing Models

This tutorial shows how to create 'bobbing' models in water to give a floating movement impression. I got the script from a COD2 tutorials by BR3NT
2 models are animated in this example:
com_bottle4 me_plastic_crate1

In Radiant
Place the 2 models how we want them with their top surface slightly (2/3 units) over the water patch.
Select the first model, right clic in the 2D window and select Script then Script_model
Then witht the first model still selected press 'n' to bring up the entity window and enter the following key/values:
targetname bobbing_obj
Do the same steps for the second model using those:
targetname bobbing_obj2
The result should be:
In Script
- Create a new file under /raw/maps/mp/ called _bobbing_obj.gsc and insert the following:
main() { thread bobbing_think(); } bobbing_think() { obj1 = getent("bobbing_obj","targetname"); //get the script_model entity obj2 = getent("bobbing_obj2","targetname"); //get the other script_model entity wait (randomfloat (1.5)); //generate a random number of seconds between bobs org1 = (-83, -895, 688); //define origin or location of your boat/script_model org2 = (29, -897.1, 683); //define origin or location of your boat/script_model timer = 1; //bobbing speed - higher number = slower bobbing while (1) { obj1 moveto (org1 + (0,0,2), timer, timer * 0.5, timer * 0.5); // 2 is num. of units to go over Orig. obj2 moveto (org2 + (0,0,-1), timer, timer * 0.5, timer * 0.5); wait (timer); obj1 moveto (org1 + (0,0,-2), timer, timer * 0.5, timer * 0.5); // 2 is num. of units to go over Orig. obj2 moveto (org2 + (0,0,1), timer, timer * 0.5, timer * 0.5); wait (timer); } }
In your main mp GSC, after maps\mp\_load::main(); add this line:
Now, add this to your Zone File:
Compile and test!
--Zeroy. 14:18, 16 October 2008 (UTC)