Call of Duty 4: Equipment
In depth CoD4 Equipment stats.
Welcome to the equipment section of CoD4 Central. Here you will find information regarding the explosives and other equipment in CoD4 such as grenades, and some stats/information about them.
Note: All grenades do a small amount of damage to enemies if they hit before exploding, just as if you had thrown a rock at your opponent. You can use this to kill wounded opponents and fulfill some of the Humiliation challenges unlocked at ranks 47 and 48! It's also really funny, so try it if the opportunity arises.
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades: When you press the grenade key, you'll lob a grenade with a 5-second fuse on it. Unless you want to flush enemies out of hiding or get the nade lobbed back at you, this isn't a good idea. Instead, hold the key down. Your crosshairs will start pulsing, and the grenade will explode at the fifth pulse. For best results, lob the grenade at your opponent at the third or fourth pulse (fourth if they're close) and they won't have time to react. You can throw any frag grenade you're standing on by hitting the grenade key. This takes a second or two, so unless you have no other choice, run instead of going for the throw. Also, you can kill yourself by throwing a friend's grenade even if friendly fire is off.
Damage: 300-75 / 15 Direct Impact Range: 0-256 Fuse/Detonator: 5 seconds / 2.5 Martdrom Other: "Cooking", synchronized, beats to seconds