Call of Duty 5: Destroyable Barricades
Video Example:
Prior version (gravity was minor, but it's useful as a sample):
- Download Files HERE
- Download all attached files and copy them onto your raw directory, following this structure:
raw/xmodel/zweimann_sandbag raw/physic/zweiphys raw/maps/mp/_dynamic_barricades.gsc
- Adding Dynamic Barricades Files to your zone_source/<yourmapname>.csv file
- Open your zone source file and add these lines:
// Zweimann Dynamic Barricades xmodel,zweimann_sandbag physpreset,zweiphys rawfile,maps/mp/_dynamic_barricades.gsc fx,temp_effects/fx_tmp_bullet_impact_dirt_generic
- Open your map in Radiant. Create your one-by-one sandbag ( MISC > MODEL ) barricade using zweimann_sandbag xmodel (previously copied to raw/xmodels). No clipping or make collidable is needed.
- Before duplicating your sandbag, press N and enter the following data:
classname: script_model targetname: zwei_dbs
Leave angles and origin untouched.
- Threading Dynamic Barricades
- Open your raw/maps/mp/<yourmapname>.gsc file, and before the closing "}", add this line:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> maps\mp\_dynamic_barricades::init(); </syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
As on this example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> main() {
maps\mp\_load::main(); setExpFog(300, 1400, 0.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.0);
} </syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Step 5: Compile and enjoy
If you're interested on how easily this was made, take a look at the code here:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> // Zweimann's Dynamic and Destroyable Barricades // Enjoy this simple code // Contact: zweimann @ helipollos . es // // init() {
// Preload FX level.zsbsfx = loadfx("temp_effects/fx_tmp_bullet_impact_dirt_generic"); // Get Sandbags entities array = getEntArray( "erm_des_sb", "targetname" );
// Init collision array level.col = [];
// Thread every found entity for ( i = 0; i <; i++ ) { // Spawn Collision for every sandbag level.col[i] = spawncollision( "collision_geo_32x32x10", "collider",[i].origin,[i].angles );
// Thread Damage Detection[i] thread dyn_env_threads( level.col[i] ); }
} dyn_env_threads( collider ) {
level endon("game_ended"); self endon("destroyed");
// Sandbag is damageable now self setcandamage(true);
while ( isDefined( self ) ) { self waittill("damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, mod); damage = damage / 1000;
// Filter damage MOD to avoid bullet damaging, melee and impacts if ( mod != "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" && mod != "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" && mod != "MOD_MELEE" && mod != "MOD_IMPACT" ) { // Fake Damage for upper sandbags RadiusDamage( self.origin, 1, 30, 30);
// Strenght of the physics movement velocity = ( damage , damage , damage ) ;
// Random contact point y = randomIntRange( 1, 10 ); if ( y > 5 ) contactPoint = point + ( randomfloatrange( 0, 30 ), randomfloatrange( 0, 30 ), 0 ); else contactPoint = point - ( randomfloatrange( 0, 30 ), randomfloatrange( 0, 30 ), 0 );
contactPoint = direction_vec; // Launch physically modified xmodel CreateDynEntAndLaunch( "zweimann_sandbag", self.origin, contactPoint, point, velocity, level.zsbsfx );
// Delete collision fake model collider delete();
// Delete script_model self delete();
} }
} </syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
By Zweimann