Call of Duty 5: Paulo88 Radiant Tips

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Revision as of 10:38, 16 July 2010 by Zeroy (talk | contribs) (Radiant)
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Tips & Tricks for better use of Radiant by Paulo88, Level Designer at Treyarch


  • TIP #1

To align a texture around a corner on a brush, select the face you want to align to, Then ALT+Middle-Click on the face you want to align. The newly aligned face will also become selected so you can just keep going on more faces, like around a pillar.
For really smooth texture corners, don’t forget to use this method on the lightmaps as well.

  • TIP #2

If your find it difficult to see what your doing in the XY or 3D view simply select the brushes / patches you want to work with and press ALT + H. This will hide everything else, leaving you with a nice clear view.

Press SHIFT + H to bring everything back.

--Zeroy. 10:37, 16 July 2010 (UTC)