Call of Duty 1: d3dbsp
See also Call of Duty 2: d3dbsp
Lump[0] - Shaders
or Materials
72 bytes per entry.
Lump[1] - Lightmaps
786,432 bytes (768 kB) per lightmap.
Lump[2] - Planes
16 bytes per entry.
Lump[3] - Brush Sides
8 bytes per entry.
Lump[4] - Brushes
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[6] - Triangle Soups
16 bytes per entry.
Lump[7] - Draw Verts
44 bytes per entry.
Lump[8] - Draw Indexes
2 bytes per entry.
Lump[9] - Cull Groups
32 bytes per entry.
Lump[10] - Cull Group Indexes
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[11] - Portal Verts
12 bytes per entry.
Lump[12] - Occluders
20 bytes per entry.
Lump[13] - Occluder Planes
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[14] - Occluder Edges
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[15] - Occluder Indexes
2 bytes per entry.
Lump[16] - AABB Trees
12 bytes per entry.
Lump[17] - Cells
52 bytes per entry.
Lump[18] - Portals
16 bytes per entry.
Lump[19] - Light Indexes
2 bytes per entry.
Lump[20] - Nodes
36 bytes per entry.
Lump[21] - Leafs
36 bytes per entry.
Lump[22] - Leaf Brushes
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[23] - Leaf Surfaces
4 bytes per entry.
Lump[24] - Patch Collision
16 bytes per entry.
Lump[25] - Collision Verts
12 bytes per entry.
Lump[26] - Collision Indexes
2 bytes per entry.
Lump[27] - Models
48 bytes per entry.
Lump[28] - Visibility
Variable in lenght.
Lump[29] - Entities
also known as EntData
Variable in lenght.
Lump[30] - Lights
72 bytes per entry.
Lump[32] - unknown
Pretty large, but apparently not in the lump header.
Lump[??] - Fogs
Not yet identified.
Made by CoDEmanX