Call of duty bo3: Rain
Several elements are needed to add rain into a MP/ZM map:
- Clientscript for rain on player (rather than placing rain FXs in the map)
- Weathergrime Volume (controls size and pitch of rain drop impacts)
- Volume decals with special raindrop material
- Outdoor Occlusion Volume to kill rain FX indoors
- Script is included in the assets on last part
- Here is the main script that controls the player Rain:
function rain_player( localclientnum ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "entityshutdown" ); self.rain_fx_tag = Spawn( localClientNum, self.origin, "script_model" ); self.rain_fx_tag setModel("tag_origin"); self.rain_fx = PlayFxOnTag( localClientNum, level._effect[ "player_rain" ], self.rain_fx_tag, "tag_origin" ); SetFXIgnorePause( localClientNum, self.rain_fx, true ); SetFXOutdoor( localClientNum , self.rain_fx); while(1) { waitrealtime( 0.1 ); if(level.rain_fx_enabled) { if(!isdefined(self.rain_fx)) { self.rain_fx = PlayFxOnTag( localClientNum, level._effect[ "player_rain" ], self.rain_fx_tag, "tag_origin" ); SetFXIgnorePause( localClientNum, self.rain_fx, true ); SetFXOutdoor( localClientNum , self.rain_fx); } self.rain_fx_tag.origin = self.origin; } else { if(isdefined(self.rain_fx)) { DeleteFX( localclientnum, self.rain_fx ); self.rain_fx = undefined; } } } }
Weathergrime Volume
- The volume decal will not display anything until the rain setting in the weathergrime volume is > 0
- The higher the rain setting (0-1) the more rain drops will appear
- You must also set the WeatherPitch to 90 which indicates the rain is coming from above
- The tiling will dictate how the drops are set on the volume decals
Volume Decals
- You must place a volume decal on every surface where rain drops should appear
- There are 2 stock materials for raindrops:
t7_decal_raindrops t7_decal_raindrops_fast
- You must rotate the volume decal as per usual to get the material to show
- If Weathergrime Volume is properly setup you should see the rain drops in Radiant
- You can use the feathering to attenuate raindrops on the non Z axis (depending how you rotate the decal)
Outdoor volume
- Outdoor volume are very simple, just drag from the Entity Browser and set all States (0-4) or only one if using multiple states
- Place in all the buildings and places where you DO NOT WANT Rain FX to be visible
- The Pitch is set for Rain straight down, this can set set also for angled Rain
Note: The outdoor volumes are not super accurate, sometimes some FXs will still show indoors
- Download example Asylum / Verruckt map setup with Rain and LightStates HERE