Call of Duty 5: Menu Scripting
accept action close closeforgametype doubleclick execKey execKeyInt execnow execNowOnDvarFloatValue execNowOnDvarIntValue execNowOnDvarStringValue execOnDvarFloatValue execOnDvarIntValue execOnDvarStringValue getautoupdate hideMenu ingameclose ingameopen inviteToSquad joinNewSquad leaveFocus mouseEnter mouseEnterText mouseExit mouseExitText open openforgametype play removeFromSquad scriptMenuRespondOnDvarFloatValue scriptMenuRespondOnDvarIntValue scriptMenuRespondOnDvarStringValue scriptmenuresponse setAttachmentOnType setbackground setcolor setDvarFromLocString setDvarStringUsingTable setfocus setfocusbydvar setitemcolor setLocalVarBool setLocalVarFloat setLocalVarInt setLocalVarString showMenu statclearbitmask statGetInDvarUsingTable statsetbitmask statSetOnDvarStringValue statSetUsingTable
onClose onESC onFocus onListboxSelectionChange onOpen
align allowedBinding autowrapped backcolor background backgroundItemListbox blurWorld border bordercolor borderSize columns decoration disablecolor disableDvar dvar dvarEnumList dvarFloat dvarFloatList dvarStrList dvarTest elementheight elementtype elementwidth enableDvar exp fadeAmount fadeClamp fadeCycle fadein fadeInAmount fadeout feeder feederBottom feederTop focusColor focusDvar focusfirst focusSound forecolor gamemsgwindowindex gamemsgwindowmode group hiddenDuringFlashbang hiddenDuringScope hiddenDuringUI hideDvar highlightTexture horizontalscroll itemDef legacySplitScreenScale maxChars maxCharsGotoNext maxPaintChars noscrollbars notselectable outlinecolor outOfBoundsClick ownerdraw ownerdrawFlag popup selectBorder selectIcon showDvar soundLoop special style textalign textalignx textaligny textcinematicsubtitle textfile textfont textsavegame textscale textstyle usepaging
When expressions
For example:
itemdef { // ... visible when( !dvarBool( ui_show_loadout ) ) }
%f | float |
%.2f | float, 2 digits after the decimal point |
%i | integer |
%s | string |
adsjavelin() = %i AloneInPrivateParty() = %i CheckIfPlayerAlreadyInvitedToSquad() = %i clipAmmo cos( %f ) = %f dpad dvarbool( %s ) = %i dvarfloat( %s ) = %f dvarint( %s ) = %i dvarstring( %s ) = %s flashbanged() = %i GameHost() = %i GetPlayerSquadId() = %i GetSquadId() = %i InKillcam() = %i InLobby() = %i InPrivateParty() = %i IsArtillery() = %i IsCinematicFinished() = %i isIntermission() = %i ismenuopen( %s ) = %i IsSquadLeader() = %i localVarBool( %s ) = %i localVarFloat( %s ) = %f localVarInt( %s ) = %i localVarString( %s ) = %s otherteamname player( %s ) = %i player( %s ) = %s PrivatePartyHost() = %i PrivatePartyHostInLobby() = %i scoped() = %i scoreboard scoreboard_visible() = %i secondsToCountdown() = %s secondsToTime() = %s selecting_location() = %i sin( %f ) = %f Splitscreen() = %i SplitscreenHost() = %i SplitscreenNum() = %i stat( %i ) = %i statRangeAnyBitsSet( %i, %i, %i ) = %i team(%i)( %s ) = %i team(%i)( %s ) = %s teamname ui_active() = %i weapattackdirect() = %i weapattacktop() = %i weaplockblink( %.2f ) = %i writingdata() = %i
Pre-Processor commands
#define #else #endif #ifdef #ifndef #include #undef
--CoDEmanX 15:22, 29 July 2009 (UTC)