Call of Duty 5: Players Model
Player Model Teams
Like any other Call Of Duty Game, COD:WW uses the usual team split:
- Allies
- Axis
In Allies you have:
US Marines Russian Red Army
In Axis you have:
Japanese Imperial Army German Wehrmacht
Just as in COD4, with the SAS vs Spatsnez team problem, there is a problem with the default _teams.gsc file - it assumes that a custom map is listed in mapsTable.csv, and will default you to using Marines (Americans) and Japanese.
Extreme/ACE/AWE and a few other mods already have a fixed _teams.gsc so its best to use those mod while testing your Level;
The best solution to fix this being the Mapstable Solution on the end of this tutorial.
Player Model Classes
Again, as in COD4:MW, COD:WW is re-using the class system:
- Rifleman
- Light Gunner
- Heavy Gunner
- Close Assault
- Sniper
- Rifleman > ASSAULT
- Light Gunner > SPECOPS
- Heavy Gunner > SUPPORT
- Close Assault > RECON
- Sniper > SNIPER
MAP GSC Syntax
There are 4 combiantion possible for your MP Levels in regards to Player Models:
- US Marines vs.Japanese Imperial Army
game["allies"] = "marines"; game["axis"] = "japanese"; game["attackers"] = "allies"; game["defenders"] = "axis"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "pacific"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "pacific";
- Russian Red Army vs. German Wehrmacht
game["allies"] = "russian"; game["axis"] = "german"; game["attackers"] = "axis"; game["defenders"] = "allies"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "german"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "german";
- US Marines vs. German Wehrmacht
game["allies"] = "marines"; game["axis"] = "german"; game["attackers"] = "axis"; game["defenders"] = "allies"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "pacific"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "german";
- Russian Red Army vs. Japanese Imperial Army
game["allies"] = "russian"; game["axis"] = "japanese"; game["attackers"] = "allies"; game["defenders"] = "axis"; game["allies_soldiertype"] = "german"; game["axis_soldiertype"] = "pacific";
In your Map GSC simply place the relevant section from your choice.
Compiling Player Model Factions/SoldierTypes
To get the right models compiled into your map, just as in COD4, you use an #include, and reference a relevant .CSV file for that faction:
This is for both German (Wehrmacht) and Russians, as the Russians are actually classed as a "german" soldiertype
This is for both the Marines (American) and Imperial Army (Japanese)
Place these includes in your map's zone .CSV file, just as you did for COD4
Treyarch didnt't include the mptypes CSV files with the RAW dump, so I created them for you to download:
- This download also bring you Marines VS Wehrmacht and Russians VS Japanese
Player Models Pictures
The order is always as follow:
Rifleman Light Gunner Heavy Gunner Close Assault Sniper
US Marines
Japanese Imperial Army
Russian Red Army
German Wehrmacht
- The game reads the custom mapstable.csv file, and gets its character models from that:
# Map Data Table,,,,,,,,,, a0,b1,c2,d3,e4,f5,g6,h7,i8,j9,k10 maxnum_map,1,,,,,,,,, #mapname,#allies characters,#axis characters,#mapname,#mapimage,#index,#description,#mapoverlay,#map size description,#vehicles,#splitscreen mp_campdavid,german,german,CUSTOM_CAMPDAVID,loadscreen_mp_campdavid,0,CUSTOM_DESC_MAP_CAMPDAVID,compass_overlay_map_airfield,MEDIUM,NO,NO
- This satisfies what _teams.gsc looks for:
alliesCharSet = tableLookup( "mp/mapsTable.csv", 0, getDvar( "mapname" ), 1 ); axisCharSet = tableLookup( "mp/mapsTable.csv", 0, getDvar( "mapname" ), 2 );
- To add the custom map table to your map, Add this line to your Zone Source file map_mapname.csv
--Zaphax. 20:37, 10 November 2008 (UTC)