Call of Duty 5: transparent Minimap This tutorial will explain How to Make a transparent/blended Minimap
- Follow the regular steps for creating a minimap on Treyarch's Wiki
- Download DDS Plugin for Photoshop from Nvidia
- Open up your screenshot in Photoshop, make it transparent in the ways you want it to.
- Make sure the size is 512 x 512px
- Save it as DDS: Choose DXT1 ARGB 4 bpp | 1 bit alpha
- Load Asset Manager from the launcher
- Select 'Material' in the list, then create a 'New Entry' and name it 'compass_map_yourmapname'
- See picture. Change materialType to 2d, surfaceType should be <none> and blendFunc to Blend
- Colormap: browse for your .dds file.
- Now convert this:
- Rebuild your FF (FastFile)
- Now launch the map and look at the compass (and overviewmap)
If you havent added your minimap to your 'zone_source/levelname.csv' file, you should do that before you remake your .ff file. ( Add material,compass_map_yourmapname ) --Rrrkn 10:57, 7 December 2008 (UTC)