Call of duty bo3: LightningStrikeEffects: Difference between revisions

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== Audio ==

* Finally, for audio,  you will need to get the following [ Audio Files] and place in your BO3 Root
* Finally, for audio,  you will need to get the following [ Audio Files] and place in your BO3 Root

Revision as of 00:35, 29 June 2020

To add Lightning strike sky effect (not the FXs but the brightness) + Audio

In Radiant

  • In your Map WorldSpawn add a new KVP:
"vsky" "zm_factory_lightning_ukko"

In Script

  • In your map GSC, add the following in Main Function
clientfield::register("toplayer", "lightning_strike", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "counter");
callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );
level.lightningstrike_delay = 12; // You can change this value to suit
  • Then add 2 functions like so:
function on_player_spawned()
	level endon("game_ended");
	self endon("death");
	self endon("disconnect");

	self thread lightning_strike_player();

function lightning_strike_player()
	self endon("disconnect");


		if(isdefined(self) && isPlayer(self))
			self notify("lightning_strike");
			self clientfield::increment_to_player("lightning_strike", 1);
  • In your Map CSC add the following to the Main function:
clientfield::register("toplayer", "lightning_strike", VERSION_SHIP, 1, "counter", &lightning_strike, !CF_HOST_ONLY, !CF_CALLBACK_ZERO_ON_NEW_ENT);
  • Then add a new function:
function lightning_strike(localClientNum, oldVal, newVal, bNewEnt, bInitialSnap, fieldName, bWasTimeJump)
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 1, 1);
	playsound(0, "amb_lightning_dist_low", (0, 0, 0));
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 3, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 1, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 4, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 3, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 1, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 3, 1);
	SetUkkoScriptIndex(localClientNum, 1, 1);


  • Finally, for audio, you will need to get the following Audio Files and place in your BO3 Root
  • Add the following to your sound config file (located in your map folder under sound\zoneconfig and open the szc file )

  • Find this :
"Sources" : [
	"Type" : "ALIAS",
	"Name" : "user_aliases",
	"Filename" : "user_aliases.csv",
	"Specs" : [ ] 

- add this directly underneath

	"Type" : "ALIAS",
	"Name" : "zm_thunder",
	"Filename" : "zm_thunder.csv",
	"Specs" : [ ] 
  • Compile the map fully